Guest Posting

Guest Posting

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Top Cyclists Choice is looking for writers

Top Cyclists Choice, as a growing site, is looking for writers who want to be a part of our team and share their knowledge, advice, and experience on Cycling, Fitness, Nutrition, and Exercise.

Participate by becoming a contributor

We’d love to work with you if you’re a talented contributor who is a fitness expert, doctor, researcher, or cycling professional with a passion for writing. Top Cyclists Choice is looking for well-written content that is creative and inspiring. Bloggers should aim to provide original content as a guest post for our community of cyclists and health readers.

Our guest post guidelines (how to submit posts)

1. Guest post length –

Articles must be at least 600 words long and no more than 2000 words long.

2. Contribution Format –

All articles must be written in English. The content’s tone should be informative and educational. Please use at least three headings in your post. Each paragraph should be no more than 50 words long.

3. Quality from the writers is desired –

The content must be of the highest quality; any grammatical errors will result in your guest post submission being rejected. There should be no mention of your page or blog, but links to supporting content are fine.

4. Topic –

All articles should revolve around “Cycling,” “Fitness,” “Bikes,” “BMX,” “Mountain Bikes,” “Road Bikes,” and “Nutrition.”

5. Illustration –

Please include a link to your images with your submission. Please do not include these in the document. You will need at least two images with a minimum resolution of 1600 pixels wide. Please make certain that you have permission to use the images. We ask that you use images from or

6. Links –

It is necessary to include authoritative links that support your content. We will review the links in your submission to ensure that they are relevant and of the required quality.

7. Uniqueness –

Each article must be completely unique and must not have been previously published. Each article must pass plagiarism checks.

8. Editing

If necessary, Top Cyclists Choice reserves the right to change the formatting and wording of your content.

9. Things to avoid –

Please ensure that all articles are written completely; we have a large number of readers each month and will not publish content that does not meet the standards we aim to promote.

How to Make a Guest Post

Please send your suggestions and pitches to

If you want to be a guest blogger for Top Cyclists Choice, just follow the steps above and your chances of writing for our audience will skyrocket.