
Buyer’s Guide for Garmin Wearables: Everything You Need to Know

Originally known as ProNav, Garmin Ltd. was established in 1989 by Gary Burrell and Min Kao in Lenexa, Kansas, and now has its headquarters in Olathe, Kansas. It is an international technology business with a Swiss domicile. The business has its headquarters in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, since 2010.

Undoubtedly when searching for bike computers or other fitness equipment, you came across Garmin.

Who exactly are they and do they truly live up to the hype?

Obviously YES

Garmin has a well-deserved reputation for a reason, they’ve revolutionized the cycling world with gadgets like the Garmin Forerunner fitness watch, the Garmin link mobile app, and—most significantly—Garmin bike computers. The business specializes in GPS technology for outdoor, sports, aviation, and automotive applications. They have been in competition with makers of activity trackers and smartwatches for consumers like Fitbit and Apple because of their advancements in wearable technology.

Table of Content

In this guide we have covered the following areas on Garmin:

  1. Sports and Fitness with Garmin
  2. Measurements of Physiology
  3. VO2 Max
  4. Recovery Time
  5. Training Load
  6. Training Load Focus
  7. Daily Suggested Workout
  8. Training Effects
  9. Performance Condition
  10. HRV Stress Test
  11. ClimbPro
  12. Functional Threshold Power (FTP)
  13. Cycling Ability
  14. Realtime Stamina
  15. Cycling Awareness
  16. Navigation
  17. Garmin FAQs
Buyer's Guide for Garmin Wearables

Sports And Fitness With Garmin:

You may obtain a better understanding of your present performance level and what you need to do to keep up the good work or continue developing by keeping track of crucial components of your cycling and fitness improvement.

While you bike, certain Garmin devices capture data to provide you with these cycling stats and physiological readings. It’s important to keep in mind that some of these parameters, like power and heart rate, require extra sensors.

You’ve come to the right place if your device is displaying statistics and you want to learn more about what they mean.

What are your options for using this derived data?

You decide, however there are some ideas we can offer.

Measurements Of Physiology

We can give you specific metrics that demonstrate how your body is responding to exercise and even the environment by evaluating the data collected by compatible Garmin devices.

1. Exercise / Training Status With Garmin:

A summary of your longer-term training habits is provided by your training status.

This gives you great insight into how effectively your training is progressing.

Imagine you’ve been training consistently for a few weeks and your fitness is still improving despite the typical, minor ups and downs of day-to-day life. This is an illustration of how it works.

Your present training will be labelled as “productive” because this tendency has been automatically detected. Like this, you can be working out extremely hard yet noticing a deterioration in your fitness. Your training would be considered “overreaching” in this case, and further recovery would be advised. Below are the recognized training states.

Peaking: When you are in peak race condition. Your body is now recovering and totally making up for earlier training thanks to your recently lowered workout load. Only a little period can be spent in this peak state.

Productive: Work is productive; keep it up. The amount of training you are doing is improving your fitness. To keep up your fitness level, make sure to incorporate recuperation times into your training.

Maintaining: Your current exercise load is sufficient to keep up your level of fitness. To notice progress, experiment with mixing up your sessions or upping your training volume.

Recovery: During prolonged periods of intense training, your body needs time to recuperate, which your decreased training load is giving it. When you’re ready, you can go back to a heavier workout schedule.

Counterproductive: Your fitness is declining despite a good level of training load. Pay close attention to your general health, including stress, nutrition, and rest because your body may be having trouble recovering.

Detraining: Your fitness has suffered because you’ve been exercising far less than normal for a week or more. To show improvement, try increasing your workout load.

Overextending: Your training load is excessive and no longer beneficial. Your body requires a break. Give yourself time to recover by scheduling lighter workouts.

No State: Before we can assess your training status, you normally require a week or two of training history, including recent activities and VO2 max results.

2. VO2 Max

The key indicator of aerobic performance capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness is VO2 max. The capability to monitor changes over time and see your current level of fitness is revolutionary. It can aid in goalsetting, progress monitoring, and training effectiveness analysis. It may also give you the inspiration you need to carry on and accomplish your objectives.

Your Garmin cycling computer or watch’s inbuilt First beat analytics engine determines, evaluates, and interprets significant performance data during your ride to accurately estimate your VO2 max. How hard your body is working to generate your performance is considered when calculating the power, you are producing. The relationship between internal and external workloads (the amount of effort compared to the number of watts your power meter records) is often linear and stable.

Your body must do more effort to produce more power. Recognizing and considering the impact environment has on your performance not only allows you to understand how well your body is reacting to the environment but also increases the accuracy of other measurements.

This translates to more insightful responses in increasingly challenging environments. According to the evidence, it only takes one to two weeks of consistent daily outdoor exposure in harsh regions to cause the required adaptations.

An athlete with a greater VO2 max often adjusts to difficult climates considerably more quickly, cutting the acclimatization time in half in some cases.

One might ask, what are the physiological changes caused by acclimatization?

Physiological Changes Caused by Acclimatization are:

  • Improved perspiration
  • Enhanced skin blood flow reactions
  • More stable cardiovascular system (ability to sustain blood pressure and cardiac output)
  • Improved fluid-electrolyte equilibrium
  • Decreased metabolic rate

3. Recovery Time

The recovery time counter indicates when you should anticipate being fully recovered and prepared to benefit from a significant challenge. At the conclusion of each activity, the countdown timer is updated. The amount of time added to your recuperation timer is calculated by analyzing the length and intensity of your recorded exercise and extrapolating it based on your past activity patterns and current fitness level.

At the beginning of a new activity, any time left on your countdown timer is also considered. One widespread misunderstanding about recovery time is that it suggests total rest until the timer reaches zero. Instead, recuperation time is supposed to illustrate how long it will take you to feel well enough to perform a strenuous exercise. When your recovery time indicates that there is still a long way to go before you are fully recovered, it is frequently OK — even good — to go for an easy ride or run.

4. Training Load

Training load is an EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption also known as Oxygen Debt) based function that aids in keeping track of the overall stress of all your activities that are tracked with heart rate data. You may view your training load on a per activity (for newer devices) and Weekly (7 day cycle) basis using your Edge® cycling computer, watch, and the Garmin ConnectTM app. This allows you to evaluate the immediate effects of each activity and your overall acute training load over the previous week.

Another load metric utilized internally in calculations for things like training status and training load focus is your chronic (4 week) training load. Using EPOC, we can gauge how much restorative and adaptive work your body must do after engaging in physical activity.

Your body performs this task to reestablish the dynamic equilibrium known as homeostasis.

5. Training Load Focus

Your performance is evaluated in Realtime when you are using compatible devices to disclose the physiological effects of your activity and to comprehend the underlying efforts that produce it. This is accomplished by being aware of how your body adapts to different intensities and variations in intensity.

Anaerobic training load (Purple):

The top row’s number and the corresponding-colored bar depict the percentage of your training load over the previous four weeks that was made up of anaerobic activities. Exercises that raise your heart rate quickly are essential for boosting your anaerobic training load. These consist of high intensity bursts of exertion that can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes at a time, interspersed with recovery periods of low- to moderate intensity activity during which your heart rate decreases. An excellent method to make sure you get enough of your training load from anaerobic efforts is to include HIIT workouts in your program.

Key illustration: Interval training

Interval Training

High aerobic training load (Orange):

The middle row’s number and the corresponding-colored bar show how much of your training load over the previous four weeks was the result of consistently engaging in moderately intense to vigorous activity. This is the tension that builds up during activities where your heart rate was noticeably increased and you kept it there for a short while to, in some situations, more than 30 minutes.

Key illustration: Tempo rides

Tempo Cycling

Low aerobic training load (Light blue):

The bottom figure and corresponding colored bar depict the percentage of your four-week training load that was generated during consistent, low-intensity workouts. This is the part of your training load that builds up while you are operating at a “conversational pace,” which means that you are still able to talk and carry on a conversation.

Example: Prolonged rides

Prolonged rides

6. Daily Suggested Workout

The overarching objective of these recommended workouts is to assist you in raising your level of fitness (VO2 max), which translates into your capacity for aerobic performance.

You can achieve an adequate training load with different efforts that are well balanced for your development by consistently carrying out the advised routines. Running and bike training are included in the activities. Remember that cycling exercises are power based and necessitate a power meter that is compatible.

Each exercise regimen is intended to meet a certain demand or enhance a particular performance trait while posing an acceptable amount of effort.

Your suggested workouts consider your current training load, load focus, recuperation time, sleep information, and the profile of recently completed workouts.

Your training plan exercises will take precedence over the Daily Suggested Sessions if you follow a dedicated training plan with scheduled workouts focused on a certain event or discipline, whether it’s via Garmin Connect or a third party. Although the suggested workout will still be available in the workout’s menu, your usual workout cues will now be for your training plan.

7. Training Effects:

The training effect metric provides you with a sneak preview of how each training session is anticipated to affect your fitness levels in the future. Coordination and balance of workouts that maintain and raise your present fitness level are two of the most frequent applications of training effect.

The following two categories of training effect measures are displayed on your compatible Edge.

Aerobic Training Effects:

This gauges the aerobic benefit of exercise, which ought to correspond with the expected fitness development.

Aerobic exercise: increases the generation of aerobic energy, uses fat as energy., provides strength and endurance, has the potential for sustained performance

Anaerobic Training Effects:

The most effective way for your body to convert fuel into energy requires oxygen, yet occasionally your body needs more energy than is instantly available.

Fortunately, your body has a backup procedure set up and ready to go. The anaerobic energy process can kick into action and keep you going, although being far less effective.

The drawback is that it runs out rapidly

Anaerobic exercise: Enables the creation of anaerobic energy, includes accelerated sprinting, provides resilience to fatigue, maximum performance potential

Your level of fitness and training habits are taken into consideration when mapping the impacts of aerobic and anaerobic training on a 0 to 5 scale.

0 indicates none, 1 minor, 2 maintain, 3 improve, 4 highly improve, and 5 indicates overreaching.

8. Performance Condition

Look at your performance condition for a current evaluation of your capacity to perform. This measurement examines power, heart rate, and heart rate variability for the first six to twenty minutes of your ride Heart Rate Variability (HRV). With each point on the scale denoting roughly 1% of your maximum oxygen uptake, the final number provides a Realtime evaluation of the variation from your baseline VO2 max. The greater the number, the better performance you can anticipate. During your first few rides with a new device, keep in mind that your results may vary slightly as it learns your level of fitness. This will eventually stabilize, and monitoring your performance status will start to serve as an accurate daily gauge of your capacity.

9. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Stress Test

The HRV stress test must be completed while you are standing because sitting causes the test to be less sensitive to low and medium levels of stress. Moderate stress may not be seen when you are lying down but standing exerts a slight strain on your cardiovascular system. When you experience intermediate levels of stress as opposed to very low levels of stress, that load results in a significant decrease in HRV.

What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Stress Test?

The Forerunner® gadget monitors heart rate variability over the course of a three-minute test while you remain motionless in order to calculate your HRV stress score, which represents your level of overall stress. You’re affected by your training, sleep, diet, and overall stress in your life.

HRV Test

10. ClimbPro

ClimbPro is made to assist a cyclist in managing effort in two different ways:

It displays the course’s future hills, their lengths, and slopes, as well as the distances at which they occur. Both the course preview and a dedicated page with this information are accessible during the activity’s timed loop.

As a rider approaches a climb, a specific ClimbPro page for that climb immediately emerges.

This page displays the rider’s current position on the climb along with the amount of climbing, distance, and average gradient still to go. As the biker climbs to the summit, this keeps updating.

What types of climbs are there?

By not identifying every uphill stretch during a ride, the function is intended to assist a rider over longer climbs. Currently, it uses the following standards to categories climbs:

The average gradient multiplied by the climb distance (in meters) should be larger than 3,500. An ascent must cover a distance of at least 500 meters. Minimum 3% average gradient is required.

As we receive more and more feedback from riders all over the world, we anticipate continuing to modify this system.

What do these colors represent?

The following methods in which the colors depict the gradient of the climb:

The colors in the climb preview list represent the climb’s average gradient across the board.

The colors on the individual climb page represent the gradient’s average for the segment that is highlighted.

What is required for Climber to function for a rider?

A rider must be following a course with elevation information. This route should ideally be infit format and can be obtained from Garmin Connect or other third-party sources.

11. Functional Threshold Power (FTP)

The highest power output you can maintain for a full hour is your functional threshold. For your specific power zones and the majority of power based training routines, your FTP estimate will serve as the foundation.

Guided Exam:

Edge guides you through a warm-up and a steady increase in targeted exertion over the course of 15 to 20 minutes using heart rate and power data.

Edge determines your FTP value based on your heart rate’s reaction to the rising power effort. You have the choice of approving or disapproving this value. Your power zones will automatically recalculate using the new number if you agree.

It is advised that this test be carried out either on an indoor trainer or a road with a consistent gradient.

12. Cycling Ability

The Garmin Cycling ability and event course profiles powered by Firstbeat Analytics are now available on the new Garmin Edge 1040. These special tools are made to highlight your riding prowess and indicate where you should concentrate your improvement efforts. Even course analysis can be used to understand requirements.

To determine when you are prepared to compete, compare your present ability profile to the performance requirements of a route.

Who are you as a cyclist? 

You will undoubtedly question what you are capable of on your bike after spending some time in the saddle.

How do other cyclists and I compare?

What kinds of difficulties best showcase my skills?

What is now preventing me from progressing and how have my skills altered since last year?

These and other questions are answered by your Garmin cycling ability profile, rider type, and course profiling features.

Creating a Profile of Your Cycling Skills

Your riding ability profile is created by compatible Garmin devices using cutting-edge analytics.

During your journeys, complex algorithms analyses combinations of heart rate and power data using physiological models. By documenting all your training efforts using a heart rate monitor and a power meter connected to your device, you can make sure that your profile is of the highest caliber. Your profile remains current if there is new activity data, and after a month of inactivity, you can anticipate your profile expiring. This data will be analyzed to determine how well you do in each of the three major performance areas of anaerobic and aerobic capacity.

Full marks in a category signify prodigious talent.

To accomplish this, a variety of factors are considered, including VO2 max, power curve data, recent and longer-term training load distributions, as well as the intensity and length of pertinent rides. Combining these many viewpoints results in a more complete picture of your skills than is otherwise attainable.

How to Determine Your Rider Type

Your device determines your current rider type once it has enough information to make a sure assessment of your skills. Along with your performance skills, information you provide about yourself like your body weight, for instance helps define your rider type when it comes to how much you can do.

When it comes to racing, endurance, or climbing, for example, some riders naturally excel.

Considering this, changing your training regimen will allow you to enhance your skills and even change your ability profile and subsequent rider type. Ability-based selection and course profiles

Starting with total distance, analyses the needs of a course.

Long-distance racing success is based on a solid aerobic endurance base.

Total height gain, as well as the frequency, distribution, and grade of hills throughout the route, are additional factors considered.

A flat 20- to 30-mile race can be the ideal venue to demonstrate your aerobic fitness.

The mix of your aerobic and anaerobic abilities may be more important on shorter courses and undulating hills.

13. Real-Time Stamina

Real-time stamina is intended to encourage you to push your boundaries with confidence by assisting you in achieving your best performance. You learn context for interpreting your body’s signals along the road, and you gain insightful experience. Estimates of the time and distance to exhaustion indicate what can be accomplished with the remaining strength while making the current effort.

A. Mountain Bike Dynamics

Mountain bike-specific data are available on various Garmin cycling computers to help you assess your ride performance and establish some bragging rights. These crucial indicators track several parts of your ride, some of which provide quantifiable statistics to illustrate how you’re progressing, whether you’re a flow master, a black diamond expert, or somewhere in between.

Grit Metrics

Grit gauges how challenging a mountain biking trail is. It considers elements like the grade of the trail and the angles at which the turns are made. A given trail’s Grit rating ought to be constant from rider to rider. It’s a helpful metric for comparing how challenging the various riding trails are. Throughout your bike, Grit is calculated continuously by your Garmin gadget.

After that, when you sync with Garmin Connect, you’ll get a chart of your Grit scores over the course of the ride along with an overall score. The Grit rating along the trail is also visible on your activity map. The Grit score should increase as the trail becomes more challenging.

Flow Metrics

Flow gauges how successfully a rider maintains speed over the course of a ride or certain segments of a ride. It considers things like how well you navigate corners, how consistently fast you ride, and other things. Flow is calculated continuously throughout your ride by your Garmin gadget. You may examine a chart of your Flow scores throughout the ride as well as the ride’s average Flow score on after you sync


Jumps on your mountain bike rides can be automatically detected by devices with MTB stats. Each jump’s speed, distance, and hang time are also calculated, and these parameters are used to produce an overall score for the leap.

You can see a graph of your jump statistics when you open the recorded activity in Garmin Connect. In addition, your activity map will show where each jump is situated along the trail. This enables you to assess your leaps and assess the progression of your jumps on a trail.

A. Cycling Dynamics

Garmin can assist you in collecting the data you need to demonstrate how hard you worked or to help you improve your form, whether you ride for fun, exploration, or competition. This is because you may obtain cycling dynamics through a few devices, such our dual-sensing pedal-based power meters. Cycling dynamics is the name for a group of sophisticated measures that provide a thorough understanding of how you’re riding and how your performance varies depending on factors like position, bike setup, ride time, and more. Cycling dynamics allows athletes to examine individual data for precise prescriptive actions. This includes cyclists, coaches, bike fitters, and even physical therapists.

Seated Or Standing Position

For your preferred posture on the bike during climbs and sprints, you probably have a distinct preference. By comparing the forces exerted to the pedals, certain Garmin power meters can identify and flag the riding posture (standing or sitting) throughout a ride. Then, in real time, your compatible Edge cycle computer will show your present position, summaries of how frequently and how long you have been there, and power data.

You can submit your data to the Garmin Connect app after your ride. There, you can see each position, the tempo and speed that go with it, and contrast how much time is spent sitting versus standing. Even better, study climbs and sprints, as well as how different positions effect your power production. This in-depth information provides you with a focused view of your ride and can be helpful for assessing position effectiveness and seeing patterns to change postures at specific times throughout a ride.

Power Phase (PP)

With 0 degrees representing the 12 o’clock position and 180 degrees representing the 6 o’clock position, power phase is calculated as a combination of degrees and arc length. The distance between the starting and ending angles is used to calculate the length of the power phase. A power phase arc length of 215 degrees, for instance, might be represented by a power phase with a starting angle of 5 degrees and an end angle of 220 degrees. This information is given for both your left and right legs when using dual-sensing pedals. Using the peak power phase metric, you can then see where the most power is generated (PPP). PPP represents 50% of the power production by default, however this can be changed to reflect more or less.

Platform Center Offset (PCO)

The distribution of force across the pedal platform during the pedal stroke is computed to get the PCO measurement. This allows you to see and assess the distribution of PCO throughout a specific time period as well as where force is applied in relation to the pedal platform’s center. You can calculate the ideal bike fit and cleat position by analyzing this data. Additionally, it might help with recovery and injury avoidance.

Millimeters are used to measure PCO. Increasing force toward the outside of the pedal is indicated by positive values (such as +6 mm), whereas increasing force toward the inside of the pedal is indicated by decreasing values (such as -4 mm). On your Edge device, you can see a graph representation of this data. The red line displays the present time.

Right / Left Balance

Our dual-sensing pedals can monitor your total power output as well as the power produced by your left and right legs separately, letting you know which leg is more powerful. How symmetrically are you pedaling, in other words?

According to studies, a significant force production imbalance between the left and right legs might result in early weariness and potentially raise your risk of injury. Determining whether there is significant asymmetry will help you focus your efforts on making improvements. With symmetry, both legs are exerting equal effort, which increases your efficiency.

14. Cycling Awareness

While you’re riding, Garmin’s tools will help you see and be seen well. With these bike safety equipment and features, you can feel a little more at ease.

Tracking: Allow individuals in your riding group and those at home to follow your progress while you’re out riding. You can allow your chosen contacts to follow you in real time and see where you are by starting a LiveTrack or GroupTrack ride.

Messaging /Incident Detection: Incident detection is built-in on compatible Edge devices. Your GPS position will be automatically sent to selected friends and family in the event of an issue.

Assistance: The Assistance feature is also available on compatible Edge devices. This enables you to manually alert your emergency contacts to your location should you want their help, such as in the case of a mechanical problem or a puncture.

Varia Rearview Radar: When used with a compatible Edge or Varia head unit, Varia rearview radar can detect vehicles coming up behind them up to 140 meters (153 yards) away and show the information.

Varia Smart Bike Lights: Our smart bike lights help you see and be noticed. The lights automatically adjust to ambient light and speed when connected to a compatible Edge device.

Upcoming Sharp Turn Alerts: Unexpected events aren’t usually a good thing when you’re riding a bike. With on-device alerts for approaching steep curves when navigating, you can be better prepared for what lies ahead.

Garmin is your guide whether you ride on or off-road. Your Edge device and the Garmin ConnectTM app both provide several routing options that you can use to acquire bike-specific routes, discover new points of interest, look up addresses, and more. TrendlineTM popularity routing and the new Garmin Connect Course Creator are just two of the frequently added features. Here are how those trustworthy routes are produced.

Garmin Connect Ride Data

Bicyclists like you contribute billions of kilometers’ worth of riding data each year. Garmin can design the best routes for your preferred riding style and bike type using this data.

On-Device Navigation Options

Utilize the tools below straight away on your supported Edge device:

Garmin cycle maps already loaded The Garmin Cycle Map, which is already included in your Edge, offers both on- and off-road routes. With thorough navigation at your fingertips, you can drive with confidence. Based on the sort of bike you have, it automatically selects the busiest routes and can even recalculate your route if you take a mistake turn. There are several options to route directly on your device:

A to B Routes – These are straightforward, bicycle-specific routes that go from A to B.

Routing Options – Enter a starting point and a distance. Up to three routes that lead you directly back to where you started will be displayed by your Edge.

Imported Courses – Directly import courses from Strava or your preferred third-party route planning apps.

Get Connected

To access even more tools to help you design the ideal ride, log in to Garmin Connect on your computer or mobile device.

Course Creator – To incorporate popularity information into your route planning, use the totally revamped Course Creator on Garmin Connect. View popular locations’ heat maps for your chosen course type to see where other cyclists prefer to ride. There is a new import feature that enables you to download your favorite routes from other apps right into Garmin Connect if you’d prefer to use those instead.

Course Creation for Roundtrip – You can create a round-trip route and send it directly to an Edge device that is compatible using the Garmin Connect app.

Garmin FAQs:

Is Garmin a good brand?

In addition to producing some of the greatest running watches, Garmin also produces a wide variety of other wearables, ranging from basic smartwatches like the Venu 2 to sophisticated multi-sport watches like the Epix (Gen 2).

Does Garmin have a monthly fee?

NO is the quickest response to this query. The stated features and services will be provided by Garmin smartwatches without any additional fees or recurring monthly charges. The basic functions of Garmin smartwatches are free of charge each month.

Which Garmin GPS is most accurate?

In terms of accuracy and dependability, the Garmin GPSMAP 66st is at the top of its class, giving it our highest recommendation. It is distinguished by a potent quad-helix antenna that reliably and precisely connects to more satellite networks than most other models.

Is Garmin Nuvi obsolete?

5-inch Portable GPS Navigator (US) by Garmin (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

Who is Garmin’s biggest competitors?

In September 2022,,,,, and more will be the top 5 rivals of

What’s the difference between Garmin drive and DriveSmart?

The difference between the Drive, and the Garmin DriveSmart is the Drive takes one step further. You won’t miss calls or messages while driving, which will also increase your awareness of the environment. Your smartphone can be connected to the device using bluetooth. On the screen are notifications, and you can make hands-free calls.

Is Garmin DriveSmart good?

A capable GPS gadget with many useful capabilities is the Garmin DriveSmart 86. Unfortunately, it also doesn’t provide anything particularly unique, and given the mapping features of a smartphone, it seems unnecessary, especially given the expensive price.

Does Garmin GPS require Internet?

The GPS only receives satellite signals that are not dependent on cellular connectivity; it does not itself consume data. The device actually uses a GPS, which means it gets “assistance” from the cell carrier, but you aren’t paid for it because it uses the phone network. Therefore, only using GPS localisation is free.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

How To Update The Garmin GPS – Maps and Software

An internal GPS unit is quite helpful if you’re tired of screaming at Siri or trying to look up an address. You only need to state where you want to go, and then you’re on your way. 

However, in order for your Garmin GPS device to be useful, it must have a current list of all mapped roads and highways. Everyone has heard of a situation in which your GPS starts leading you down a dark path that leads to a dead end.

Garmin GPS is manufactured by as name suggests, Garmin, a multinational software company that was founded over 30 years ago. They have indeed customized in Satellite navigation for automobiles, marine, and avionics maps, as well as outdoor and sports activities, and are now best known for their watches.

You may upgrade your Garmin GPS software in a number of methods, so be sure to read this tutorial if your version is out-of-date or if you want to learn how to determine your current version.

Table of Content

In this guide we have covered the following areas for Garmin GPS:

  1. How to create myGarmin account
  2. How to register your Garmin GPS device
  3. Purchasing Map Updates
  4. How to download Map Updates
  5. How to update Map updates
  6. Updating Garmin without a computer
  7. Never been simpler to update
  8. Garmin GPS FAQs
How to update the garmin gps maps and software

How To Create myGarmin Account

First, we need to create an account and register our device. Creating an account is very simple and easy, just follows few steps.

  • To create an account goes to Google and search Garmin website, open the link and click on Create New Account, know fill all the required information.
  • Click the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement, read all the agreements carefully, now click on check box Agree to Terms of Use and Privacy Statement, and click on
  • Choose the checkbox next to each form of communication you want to sign up for.
  • Click Subscribe to the selected communication, or click on Do Not Subscribe to avoid all other subscription.
  • You are immediately logged into your myGarmin account.

Congratulations on your myGarmin account, know you will easily connect your device and update Garmin GPS.

How To Register Your Garmin GPS Device:

After creating your account on Garmin second step is to register your device, for the registration connects your device with your computer or laptop. For more details, consult your devices owner manual. If you don’t have any manual for your device, than go to google  or Garmin main website and search for Garmin support, and click the Product Documentation. Fill the form with required information and select the handout for your preferred language. On Home tab, click on Registration, make sure that you have the suggested items, and then click on Continue. To complete the registration, adhere to the instructions on the screen.

Purchasing Garmin GPS Map Updates:

For your registered device, you can check for updates that can be purchased. 

Visit the suggested website, sign onto your myGarmin account,  and select the My Maps option. Next to each of your registered devices, a list of the maps that are presently installed and the updates that are available appears. If a free update icon appears next to a device, that device qualifies for a free map update. To get the free update, visit myGarmin and follow the on-screen instructions (see downloading Map Update).

To browse paid map updates for your device, click Update Available, if available. To purchase an update, click Add to Cart, and then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the transaction.

How To Download Garmin GPS Map Updates:

Both free and paid map updates are available for download through your myGarmin account. 

Now, link your device to your computer, consult your device’s owner’s handbook for more details, visit the Garmin website, log into your myGarmin account, and you should get notifications for recently purchased map updates and freely available updates in the Home tab.

From the Home menu, select Order Now and then Get Free Update to get a free update. 

When upgrading device software displays read the license agreement and clicks Accept Agreement to download the most recent version of the device software. To download a newly purchased update, click Add to Device from the Home tab. To finish the software update, adhere to the instructions displayed on screen.

Click next after selecting Download, then enter your product key and click Continue. Now click Download to finish.

Downloading of the Garmin Map Update application begins.

Use the Garmin Map Update application to apply your map updates after saving this file somewhere you can readily remember, like the desktop.

How To Install Map Updates:

You must first download the Garmin Map Update application before you can install a map update.

Connect your device to your computer.

Run GarminmapUpdate .exe file for Windows or .dmg file for Mac to update your device’s maps.

If necessary, choose the device you wish to update, click Continue, check the box to accept the license agreement, and then click Continue.

You can view your product key by entering into your myGarmin account, selecting the myMaps tab, and then selecting Details next to the map update you want to install if the product key does not show immediately.

One of the pages listed below appears:

  1. If the maps update is available for your device, click Ready to Update Your Map. When your maps show, choose an alternative by clicking the device-recommended map region. A page displaying the installation’s status appears. When the installation is finished, click Continue. The installation procedure could take up to several minutes. Click Exit when your map update is finished installing so that you may start using it.
  2. A popup will ask you to back up and remove data from your device if your device does not have enough storage space. To delete any stored music or images from your device, select yes. Choose the option to save music and photographs to your computer before deleting them from your device, or choose no to keep the music and pictures you’ve previously stored on your device.
  3. If the option to click advanced to select a map region or to install maps to your computer comes when your map is ready to be updated, choose that option. The coverage for the selected map region is then shown on the graphical map. Alternately, pick a choice from the advanced option page, decide where you want to install the map update, and then click OK. Click Proceed once the installation is complete. The map is ready for use once updates have been deployed.

The map product can be used with Garmin Mapping Programs like Mapsource, BaseCamp, and Mapinstall by installing map to your computer.

  1. On a Windows computer, choose install to device only, install to device and computer, or install to computer only.
  2. On a Mac computer, choose install to device only, install to device and computer, or install to computer only. 

A screen displaying the installation status will appear with the option to install the map for use on my Mac selected or deselected. 

Once the installation is finished, which could take up to several hours, select Continue then Exit so that your map update can be used.

Updating Garmin GPS Without A Computer:

You can utilize any Garmin GPS device you own, including the Drive, Drive, and Garmin Nuvi. 

For more information on your options if you don’t have a direct computer connection, see this section. Using a USB connection to your PC, traditional GPS devices that typically operate on a map-on-screen system for trucks and cars can be updated.

However, more modern model, including the DriveSmart 51 and other gadgets with Wi-Fi access, have been introduced. Simply connect your device to the same wireless network that the Express is using to transfer user data and updates using this approach.

As an alternative, other Garmin sporting goods for hiking or sailing can operate and connect via Bluetooth to a smartphone running the Connect Mobile app. With this, you can update from any location where a cellular signal is available.

It’s Never Been Simpler To Update Your Garmin Software!

You now know how to update the software on your Garmin GPS device. 

Garmin provides a variety of software update options, allowing you to pick the one that works best for you. You have the option of using Wifi, the Garmin Connect smartphone app, or the Garmin Express app. You can decide whether to manually or automatically download updates.

Garmin GPS FAQs:

Can I update my Garmin GPS for free?

Navigate to the myMaps tab. Each of your registered devices has a list of the maps that are installed right now and the updates that are accessible. Note: A device qualifies for a free map update if the phrase “Free Update Available” appears next to it. The update is available for free download via myGarmin.

Can I update my Garmin without a computer?

By connecting your device to a Wi-Fi network that offers Internet access, you can update the maps and software. By doing this, you can update your gadget without having to connect it to a computer. (Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network) Join the device to a Wi-Fi network.

Does my Garmin need to be updated?

Periodically, Garmin publishes system software upgrades. To make sure the device has the most recent system software, it is advised to check for updates every three to four months.

Can I update my Garmin GPS with my phone?

You can use your smartphone’s Garmin ConnectTM Mobile app to automatically update the software of your device (Updating the Software Using Garmin Connect Mobile). Visit to get the program.

Can you update an old Garmin GPS?

The most recent map and software updates for your device can be downloaded and installed using the Garmin ExpressTM program. To ensure that your smartphone keeps calculating precise and effective routes to your destinations, map updates include the most recent mapping data.

Can I update my Garmin GPS via Bluetooth?

By utilizing Garmin Express, you can upgrade the Bluetooth software on your device. The Bluetooth update must be downloaded separately because it is not a part of the regular device software update.

Can you update a GPS for free?

The OpenStreetMap project lets you get maps and upload them to your system without spending any money, so you can update your GPS for nothing. A database of free maps that is updated by volunteers makes up this Open Source software. Different navigation systems are compatible with the downloaded maps.

How do I know if my Garmin software is up to date?

Firmware Version: To update Go to Settings on the Garmin device. Click on About Device. Opt for System Updates.

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HOW TO How To Update The Garmin GPS Read Review

Mountain Bikes Giant Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 Read Review

Kids Bikes Giant Animator 16 Read Review

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If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1

Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 is a  powerful cross-country race bike. It offers a comfortable position that enables you to maximize the amount of wattage you can put through the pedals. This is due to the suspension’s gripping and flexible characteristics.

Because of its great geometry, robust suspension at both ends, and powerful brakes, it descends with confidence and speed.

The suspension may be locked or unlocked during a race thanks to Live Valve, but because there is no on-bar adjustment, you run the risk of being in the wrong setting mid-lap.


ModelAnthem Advanced Pro 29 1
TypeMountain Bike


This expert-level, all composite cross-country flyer combines progressive 29er geometry’s improved control and stability with trail-smoothing maestri suspension. This is your ticket to the top step if cross-country racing is your thing.

Advanced-Grade Composite Frame

The front and rear triangles, as well as the rocker link and rocker arm, are made of Giant’s Advanced composite carbon fibre.

Giant has eliminated the Maestro suspension linkage’s virtual pivot point for the new Anthem. The brand’s Flex Point Pro single-pivot linkage powered, flexstay configuration is now used in the new bike. As a result, the chainstays and seat flex to mimic the articulation of a pivot point.

Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 Geometry

The Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 bike’s geometry is contemporary, with a loose 67.5-degree head angle, a steepish 75.5-degree seat angle, a long 470-mm reach, and a short 70-mm stem on a large-size bike.

Giant’s new back end also allowed them to shorten the rear triangle, keeping the chainstays at 435mm across all three sizes.

Live Valve System

The claimed battery life of 16 to 20 hours appears to be accurate, and charging is quick. The system switches to open mode by default when the battery dies.

It’s important to emphasise that Live Valve is a complicated system and that different settings can significantly alter how a bike feels. If you decide to purchase a bike with Live Valve, be prepared to spend some time playing with the system in order to gain the best benefit for your riding.

The Fox 34SC Performance Elite fork up front features 110mm of comfortable travel. The top-cap mounted Live Valve solenoids regulate the FIT4 damper, which is used in the fork. The StepCast (SC) chassis weighs less than the traditional 34mm chassis while adding stiffness.


The detailing is good, and the chainstay and interior of the seat stay both have a lot of rubber chain protection. With fastened cable guides directly beneath the headtube, the internal cable routing is fairly tidy. These leave the downtube at the bottom and can either run externally down the inside of the non-drive side chainstay to the rear derailleur or internally through the chainstay to the derailleur.


The suspension sensor wizardry and enigmatic magic box of the Giant Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 will likely generate the most discussion of the specifications, not only because of the claimed performance but also because it is so infrequently specified. The 110mm Fox 34 Stepcast Performance Elite fork and the Performance Elite rear shock, both of which have been specially adjusted for Giant, are both compatible with the Live Valve system. The mode button on the battery unit under the downtube can be used to adjust the suspension settings, as can the Bluetooth-connected smartphone app.


Check specifications here


S, M, L, XL


Matte Black/Gloss Carbon/Chrome


Advanced-Grade Composite front and rear triangles, 90mm Maestro suspension


Fox 32 Float SC Performance Elite Remote, 100mm, FIT4 damper, remote lockout, Boost 15×110 Kabolt, 44mm offset, custom tuned for Giant


Fox Float DPS Performance Elite Remote, 165/42.5, custom tuned for Giant


Giant Contact SLR XC Flat, 31.8


Giant Contact SL


Giant Contact, composite, 27.2mm


Contact SL (neutral), composite base, SST rails, UniClip accessory mount




Shimano Deore XT

Front Derailleur


Rear Derailleur

Shimano Deore XT, Shadow+


Shimano Deore XT hydraulic (F:180mm, R:160mm)

Brake Levers

Shimano Deore XT


Shimano Deore XT, 12-speed, 10×51


KMC X-12


Shimano Deore XT, 32t

Bottom Bracket

Shimano, press fit


Giant XCR-1 29 Carbon WheelSystem, 25mm inner


Giant XCR-1 29 WheelSystem, Boost


Giant XCR-1 29 WheelSystem, DBL technology


Maxxis Recon Race 29×2.25, foldable, TLR, EXO, tubeless


Tubeless prepared


Medium size weighed at 11.45kg

Pros & Cons


Suspension is well controlled

Live Valve works amazingly

Enhanced geometry

High in specifications

Good value for money


Single bottle cage

Lack of internal frame storage


What type of bike is giant Anthem?

High-performing XC race bikes include the Anthem. It pedals well, in part because of the grippy and (perhaps, settings-dependent) supple suspension, and it features a comfortable position that lets you put as much power through the pedals as possible.



Total score

Our Rating​

With the current crop of multi-faceted cross-country bikes that see potential to win races not just on the ups but also on the downs, Giant has obviously worked hard to bring the Anthem up to date.

Anthem Advanced Pro 29 1 offers 100mm of front suspension travel and 90mm of smooth rear suspension travel thanks to its full composite frameset engineering. A shock with a trunnion mount is part of the Maestro rear suspension system, which results in a lower leverage ratio for effective pedalling and braking. Shorter chainstays can be used thanks to the novel linkage, which also increases overall agility and climbing potential. Additional changes include wider Boost hub spacing and an integrated Giant WheelSystem that give you extremely strong and stiff wheels for confident, accurate handling on XC terrain. The Advanced Forged Composite upper rocker arm is lighter, stiffer, and stronger than aluminium.

Check latest price of Anthem Advanced Pro 29

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, google search and youtube.

Animator 16 Review

Animator 16, the sensation of riding your first two-wheeler is unmatched. Young motorcyclists’ memories are created by the Animator 16.

This is a fast-track to joy and independence and comes with 16-inch wheels and detachable training wheels. For neighborhood outings, the frame is made of durable lightweight aluminum.


TypeRoad Bike, Kids Bike


Built for children, The Animator’s short crank length and tiny Q-factor make it simple to pedal, and an aluminum frame’s light weight gives small children better control.

The Giant Animator 16 inch boys’ and girls’ bikes are impressively well-designed for the price and offer a comfortable ride. In addition to being ideal for neighbourhood cruisers, they perform better for adventurous kids who are prone to lean in for speed or to go over minor jumps or curbs thanks to their somewhat lower-rise handlebars.

The Giant Animator bikes are the best value for the money and are lighter than other inexpensive children’s bikes. It doesn’t get any better than Giant if you’re on a tight budget. Giant bikes are more expensive than the well-liked Schwinn Elm or Koen, but they are also superior quality and easier to ride.

ALUXX-Grade Aluminum

This industrial-grade aluminium frame technology is produced using the most advanced materials, forming procedures, and welding techniques. Giant aluminium bikes with ALUXX SLR have the best strength-to-weight ratios and are used to build extremely light, high-performance frames.

The durable ALUXX aluminum frame material offers long-lasting dependability, which is supported by a lifetime frame warranty.

Coaster Brakes

Most children’s bikes come equipped with coaster brakes, commonly referred to as foot brakes or back-pedal brakes. Many bike owners find them appealing because of their straightforward design and minimal maintenance needs. Just apply the brake and pedal rearward.

Coaster brakes are simple to use and simple to keep working.

Children’s features

For children beginning to ride a pedal bike, features like short-reach brake levers, a lower stand-over height, a protective stem cushion, and detachable training wheels make it exciting and safe.

Kids Age and Colors

Ideal for kids aging between 3 – 6 years old.

Comes in two colors only i.e. Blue Ashes and Concrete colors only.

Kids Oriented

The Animator’s short crank length and tiny Q-factor make it simple to pedal, and an aluminum frame’s light weight gives small children better control.

Bottom Bracket

An open bearing system can be disassembled and its separate components examined thanks to a loose ball. Without replacing the complete Bottom Bracket unit, the bearings may need to be maintained, cleaned, re-greased, or even replaced.


Check specifications here


one size


Blue Ashes, Concrete


ALUXX-Grade Aluminum


high-tensile steel


Giant Kids, middle high, 520mm width


alloy quill, 25.4x40mm


alloy, 25.4x200mm


Giant Kids








KMC C410


alloy forged, 28t, 89mm

Bottom Bracket

loose ball


Giant Kids 16″, alloy


nutted, 20h




Innova IA-2094, 16×2.25


training wheels, bell, protective pad

Video Presentation

Pros & Cons


Ideal bike for young kids

Comes with bell and training wheels

Quality frame and colors

Coastal brakes are easy to apply by kids

Very smooth ride


comes in only one size


Is Animator C/B 16 good for 4 year old?

Yes, ideal for between 3 to 6 years old.

What age is a 16 inch bike for?

Best suitable for 4-6 years of age: 16-inch wheels

Is a 16 inch bike good for an 8 year old?

Riders aged 7 to 9 and between 47.7 and 52.5 inches tall will be comfortable on a bike with 18 or 20-inch wheels. Your child might require a 16-inch bike if they are taller than typical. Or they could need a 24-inch bike if they are shorter than normal in height.

What bike size should I get for my height?

Rider Height

Suggested Frame Size

Feet and Inches





4′ 10″ – 5′ 1″

147 – 155


13 – 14

47 – 49

5′ 1″ – 5′ 5″

155 – 165


15 – 16

50 – 52

5′ 5″ – 5′ 9″

165 – 175


17 – 18

53 – 54

5′ 9″ – 6′ 0″

175 – 183


19 – 20

55 – 57

6′ 0″ – 6′ 3″

183 – 191


21 – 22

58 – 61

6′ 3″ – 6′ 6″

191 – 198


23 – 25

61 – 63



Total score

Our Rating​

The feeling of your first pedal bike is unbeatable. This two-wheeler makes it easy for kids to fall in love with cycling and comes with removable training wheels.

Giant Animator 16 makes learning to ride simple and enjoyable because to its 16-inch wheels, lightweight aluminum frame, and detachable training wheels. Short-reach brake levers provide young riders strong stopping power, and a shorter crank and narrower Q-factor make pedaling easier. It is also easier to get a great fit for children of varying heights thanks to its adjustable riding position and longer seatpost insertion depth. Since the training wheels are detachable, it’s simple to get going and switch to two wheels whenever you’re ready.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, google search and youtube.

Best Bicycle Bells for your bike

One of the most essential bicycle accessories is a set of bells. For safer and more direct riding, you need a reliable bike bell. To signal to onlookers that you are passing, ring the bell.

Once other path users are aware of your presence, bell ringers can be made available.
You’ve come to the correct place if you’re firmly in the bell camp and are looking for a fashionable and practical way to signal your presence to other drivers and pedestrians while riding a bicycle.

Eleven of the best bike bells, with a variety of appearances, price ranges, and “ding dings,” have been compiled by us.

Our invested efforts in this article are:


Bicycle Bells


Articles Reviewed


Hours Research


Reviews Analyzed

Table of Content

Below are Top Ten list of items we selected after careful study and in-depth assessment:

  1. Aluminum Bicycle Bell
  2. Classic Brass Bicycle Bell
  3. Aluminum Bike Bell
  4. Twins Bike Bell
  5. Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
  6. Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
  7. Mountable Bicycle Bell
  8. Suzu Bicycle Bell
  9. Classic Bike Bell
  10. Brass Bicycle Bell
  11. Clamp Band Mount Bicycle Bell
  12. Common FAQs


Aluminum Bicycle Bell

The bells are made of metal and have a fashionable appearance. They always produce a clear, sharp ringtone that makes riding considerably safer. One of the most important bicycle accessories for adults and children who ride road or mountain bikes is the aluminum bike bell.

The aluminum bicycle ring bell is intended specifically as a safety warning bell for road and mountain bikes. The bike bells suit the majority of road bikes and mountain bikes quite well and provide a clear, crisp bike ringtone.

The quality aluminum and engineering plastic used in the bicycle bell are rust- and age-resistant, allowing both male and female riders to use it for a longer period of time. Even after years of use, the bike ring always remains fresh and functional.

Fits handlebar tubes with an outer diameter of 21mm to 22mm on bicycles (0.83inch – 0.86inch). The installation takes 1 minute to finish. Just use a screwdriver to tighten the screw on the grip bar.

Fits any regular straight handlebar bicycle, stunt scooter, mountain bike, BMX bike, children’s bike, cruiser, etc.

Color Options : Black, Silver , Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Gold

Material: made of high quality aluminum and engineering plastic, lightweight and durable.

Applicable Handlebar: 21mm – 22mm (0.83inch – 0.86inch).

Left Hand Use & Right Hand Use

Style: Bike Bell, Classic

Mounting Type: Handlebar


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like


Crisp sound

Durable strength

Can be use by both Left or Right hand

We do not like

Some might not like the color



Classic Brass Bicycle Bell

The bicycle bell can be mounted on either the right or left side of the handlebar tube of bicycles with an outside diameter of 22.2 to 25.4 mm (0.87 to 1.0 in).

This bicycle bell is 3.5 * 2.2 cm (1.37*0.86 inch) in size and has a beautiful appearance. Protective pad is included to stop slipping downward.

made of high-quality brass that resists rust and ageing. High-strength springs and a lightweight, sturdy metal bracket give it a classic look that makes it durable.

This vintage brass bike bell consistently produces a strong, clear tone. The fact that passing cars and pedestrians can plainly hear your ringtone makes biking considerably safer.

Bicycle Bell are backed by a 12-month warranty, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and 100% replacement or refund for all quality-related issues.

Easy to install:

First, use a hex screwdriver to loosen the screws.

Mount the Bike Bell on the handlebars and tighten the screws with a hex driver.

The bicycle bell is effectively mounted and utilised.

Material Brass

Style Retro, Bike Bell, Classic

Mounting Type Handlebar


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Easy to install

Loud enough

Built of heavy, quality metals

Can also be use as a Gift

We do not like

May be too loud



Aluminum Bike Bell

RING-RING is a quaint and enjoyable sound. Excellent present for any occasion.

Simple to use and loud enough to warn onlookers

This bicycle bell is sturdy and long-lasting because it is composed of aluminium and ultra-tough ABS. Ideal for a girl’s, toddler’s, child’s, or kids’ cruiser bike.

Simple to instal; only a screwdriver is required. fits handlebars with an outside diameter of 22.2mm.

Professionally made, you’ll be thrilled with your purchase. Lifetime warranty available; contact the company with any issues for a replacement or refund with no questions asked.

Material Aluminum, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

Style Bike Bell

Mounting Type Handlebar


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like


Good reasonable sound

Good quality material

Reasonable priced

Good Customer service

We do not like

Material quality can be enhanced, but then price will be up



Twins Bike Bell

Durable and constructed of iron of the highest quality, the bike bell. Bike bell is modest and well crafted, measuring 2.22 by 2.25 cm (0.8 by 0.89 inches).

A clear, prolonged, and booming sound is produced by the Classic Bike Bell with its internal hollow echo mechanism and high-hardness plastic bell hammer. In addition, the hammer is made of a single piece of attached PP material, making it difficult to drop like a spring. Your ringtone is audible to passing cars and pedestrians, giving them advance notice.

Bicycles with handlebars measuring 2.22 to 2.25 cm in diameter can use the bell. No matter if the handlebar is on the right or left, installation is simple.
Road bikes, mountain bikes, city bikes, sports bikes, cruiser bikes, and BMX bikes can all use loud sound bike rings.


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Easy to use

Reasonable sound

Great value for money

Plastic hammer

Good Customer service

We do not like

Plastic durability is less compare to metal



Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell

This vintage Ringer bike bell, which is simple to affix to the handlebars of most bicycles, can be used to personalize your ride. This Ringer bell is a chic safety device that works well with many types of bikes and alerts other cyclists and pedestrians to your approach. Adapt the frame’s color or pattern to your bike. Bell and attachment hardware are included in this package; some assembly is necessary.

Most bicycles’ handlebars can be simply mounted with a traditional ringer bell.

Excellent for all cruiser bikes for men, women, and children. To alert people that you are approaching, ring the bell.

Your bike’s frame can be mixed and matched in color or matched. Bell and attachment hardware are included; some assembly is necessary.


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Easy to Install

Good sound outcome

Price is reasonable

High quality product

Works great

We do not like

For some, sometimes it can stuck.



Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell

To assure customer satisfaction, this bicycle bell offers a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee. We will swiftly give a refund if you decide to stop using the product for any reason.

allows you to signal your approach to other bikers and pedestrians, which improves safety.

55mm attractive dome to go with or enhance your bicycle. Choose from 21 fashionable colours for bikes for men, women, boys, and girls.

Installs quickly and effortlessly on the majority of bicycles with a regular Philips screwdriver. suitable for the majority of standard-sized handlebars (about 22.2mm).

The classic and entertaining “ring ring” sound.


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Easy to Install

Works well

Price is reasonable

High quality product

Perfect for beach cruisers

We do not like

if it’s loose, it rattles right off



Mountable Bicycle Bell

For handlebar diameters 19–32mm. The revolutionary and adaptable mountable bicycle bell may be put on almost any handlebar and stem very quickly and exceptionally safely. The mechanism is made to allow for quick and easy removal of the holder without the use of any tools and quick reassembly in any other location. This can be used as a bicycle bell everywhere.

Color ‎Black

Style ‎Bike Bell

Item Weight ‎20 Grams

Mounting Type ‎Handlebar

Minimum Compatible Size ‎19 Millimeters


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Terrific wee bell

Reliable and loud

Good for Towpaths

Simple to fit and adjust

A perfect ping

We do not like

Bit low sound for traffic



Suzu Bicycle Bell

Retro, vintage, high-end lever-striker bicycle bell. Fits bars with an outside diameter of 22.2-26.0mm. The polished dome of natural brass is 55mm broad on the BRASS model. Age will cause it to patina.

Bell with a dome form made of brass or an aluminium alloy. Compared to other materials, the ring of a brass bell echoes longer.

Beautiful Japanese craftsmanship, excellent bell for your bike.

looks stylish and sophisticated on both city bicycles and classic road bicycles. Contrary to bells with plastic mounts and hammers, metal construction is far more durable. a bike horn is smaller and less aesthetically attractive.


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Well made

Looks great

High quality

Easy to install

Loud and clear

We do not like

Customer service lacking support



Classic Bike Bell

Beach cruiser bikes benefit greatly from the addition of a vintage cycling bell. When approaching other bicycles, simply ring the bell to let them know you’re there. Most men’s, women’s, and child’s bicycle handlebars can accommodate the bike bell.

Bell and attachment components are included for rapid and simple assembly. Additionally available in a variety of colors so you can select a bike bell to suit your needs or match the color of your bicycle

Fit type All-purpose

Color ‎White

Size ‎One Size

Material ‎Aluminum

Style ‎Classic, bike Bell

Mounting Type ‎Handlebar


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Easy to install

Looks simple and great

Good loud enough

Well made

We do not like

Slow customer support



Brass Bicycle Bell

Lever-striker bicycle bell with a vintage, retro, and high-end style. Suitable for bars with an outside diameter of 22.2 to 26.0 mm. On the BRASS model, the polished natural brass dome is 55mm wide. It will patina with time.

Domed bell composed of brass or an alloy of brass and aluminum. The ring of a brass bell resonates farther than that of other materials.

Beautiful Japanese craftsmanship, excellent bell for your bike.

looks stylish and sophisticated on both city bicycles and classic road bicycles. Contrary to bells with plastic mounts and hammers, metal construction is far more durable. a bike horn is smaller and less aesthetically attractive.

Material: Brass

Cap Diameter: 55mm – Mount Diameter: 22.2mm – 25.4mm

Weight: 85g

Loud, Clear and Beautiful Tone

Made in Japan


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Good quality

Loud and clear sound

Elegant and classic look

Easy to install

People clear the way easily

We do not like

Some find it too loud



Clamp Band Mount Bicycle Bell

Crane Bell Co. is an Osaka-based business that produces some of the world’s most exquisite and musical bicycle bells. The company’s aim is to offer customers the best items, thus the designs haven’t altered in decades. Once you hear a Crane Bell ring, you’ll understand why motorcyclists all over the world think that the Crane Bell firm should be at the top of your list when shopping for a Bell.

Material: Brass

Cap Size: 37mm

Clamp Diameter: Adjustable from 22.2mm to 31.8mm

Weight: 53g


Customer Service






Ease of Use

We like

Excellent quality

Classic design

Fabulous cycle bell

Easy to install

Loud and clear sound

We do not like

Clip could be better


Bicycle Bells Common FAQs

What is the bell on a bicycle called?

A bicycle bell is a percussive signaling device used to notify pedestrians and other cyclists when a rider is approaching. In some places, the bell is a necessary piece of equipment. Typically, they are positioned on the handlebars and operated with the thumb.

Is it rude to use bike bell?

Consider it without a doubt, especially if legal requirements call for it. The majority of bicycle bells are only loud enough to reliably notify other cyclists and pedestrians of your approach and are not designed to do more. (Air horns for bicycles are a different subject. The majority of these are as loud as automobile horns.)

Should I get a bell for my bicycle?

When cycling on tight roads, bike bells increase safety and are seen to be absolutely necessary to alert other bikers or bystanders and prevent accidents. The most important places for children and adults to use a bike bell to alert people to their presence are sharp corners since they do not know what is coming after them.

How do I choose a bike bell?

The most important factor to take into account is the kind of riding you’ll be undertaking. Riders in cities will need a bell that is audible above the sound of traffic and has a distinct tone from that noise. A more robust bell that can withstand jarring rides and probable ground hits is prefered by mountain bikers and other rural cyclists.

Where should a bike bell be mounted?

Ringing your bell and shifting gears simultaneously will be impossible if your bell is installed on the same side! To clarify, most bike bells are located on the left side of the handlebars for safety, functionality, and to allow the biker to utilize the gear shifter properly.

When should I ring my bike bell?

Use your bell to let slower cyclists and pedestrians know you need to pass. Provide adequate time for individuals to react. If necessary, ring their bell while on the road, but don’t count on the motor vehicle drivers to hear you.

Should I have a bell on my mountain bike?

A bell makes things considerably safer for you and other outdoor enthusiasts if you’re riding quickly on the trails. We must warn horses, hikers, and other riders when passing because many mountain bikers utilize shared-use trails.

What happens when you ring the bell of your bicycle?

When we ring a bell on a bicycle, the bell causes the medium’s particles to vibrate. Sound is produced by this vibration. The movement of neighboring particles caused by the vibrating particle allows the sound to travel farther through the medium.1

How loud is a bicycle bell?

Due to the brass, the Classic Brass bell has an incredibly pleasant tone, even at 96 dBa. And this is how it was done, for the nerds among us.

Where should I mount my bell on a mountain bike?

Some prefer it closer to the grips, while others prefer it closer to the stem in the middle. If you frequently need to use your bell, you can place it right on your grips, allowing for rapid switching between silent and ring mode while keeping both hands on the bike.

Is it illegal to cycle without a bell?

Some US states, including New York, Georgia, New Jersey, Indiana, and South Carolina, have laws requiring bicycle bells, whereas others do not. It’s crucial to remember that some local authorities could insist that you instal a bell.

Do new bikes come with a bell?

No, you are not now required to have a bell on your bike, to put it simply. Bells must be easily available when purchasing a new bike, as required by law. There has been much discussion about making bells a requirement for bikes, particularly after bike sales soared in 2020.

How do I stop my bell from jingling?

Where the bell hammer meets the metal shell, apply two to three drips of adhesive. As the glue dries, press the felt firmly against the bell using the bell hammer after placing it on the adhesive. Prior to attempting to play it too much, give it 20 to 30 minutes to dry.

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If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

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Animator 12 Review

Children should use Animator C/B 12. The Animator is simple to pedal thanks to its short crank length and modest Q-factor, and its lightweight aluminum frame gives small children more control.


TypeRoad Bike, Kids Bike


Nothing compares to riding your very first pedal bike. With its detachable training wheels, this two-wheeler makes it simple for kids to develop a passion of cycling.

ALUXX-Grade Aluminum

The most cutting-edge materials, forming processes, and welding technologies are used to create this professional-grade aluminum frame technology. ALUXX SLR provides the finest strength-to-weight ratios among Giant aluminum bikes and is used to create ultralight, high-performance frames.

Long-lasting dependability is provided by the sturdy ALUXX aluminum frame material, which is guaranteed by a lifetime frame warranty.

Coaster Brakes

Most children’s bikes come equipped with coaster brakes, commonly referred to as foot brakes or back-pedal brakes. Many bike owners find them appealing because of their straightforward design and minimal maintenance needs. Just apply the brake and pedal rearward.

Coaster brakes are simple to use and simple to keep working.

Children’s features

For children beginning to ride a pedal bike, features like short-reach brake levers, a lower stand-over height, a protective stem cushion, and detachable training wheels make it exciting and safe.

Kids Age and Colors

Ideal for kids aging between 2 – 4 year old.

Comes in two colors only i.e. Black and Electric blue colors only.

Kids Oriented

The Animator’s short crank length and tiny Q-factor make it simple to pedal, and an aluminum frame’s light weight gives small children better control.

Bottom Bracket

A good bottom bracket may be put in place and left alone. Because a sealed unit doesn’t need any maintenance, it is the modern and preferred choice. If they become worn out, they are simple to replace and have a long lifespan.


Check specifications here


one size


Black, Electric Blue


ALUXX-Grade Aluminum


high-tensile steel


Giant Kids, middle high, 500mm width


alloy quill, 22.2x40mm


alloy, 25.4x180mm


Giant Kids








KMC C410


alloy forged, 26t, 70mm

Bottom Bracket

sealed cartridge


Giant Kids 12″, alloy


nutted, 16h




Innova IA-2094, 12×2.25″


training wheels, bell, protective pad

Pros & Cons


Kids oriented bike

Comes with bell and training wheels

Quality frame and color

Coastal brakes are easy to apply by kids

Good value for money


comes in only one size

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs:

Is Animator C/B 12 good for 2 year old?

Yes, ideal for between 2 to 4 years old.

What age can a toddler start riding a bike?

One of your child’s developmental milestones is learning to ride a bike. Between the ages of two and eight, the majority of kids will be prepared and eager to learn how to ride. Typically, learning begins at a little bit older than five.

What size bike does a 2 year old need?

The charts below illustrate our suggested sizes based on height, but other elements, such as arm and leg length, can affect how well something fits. You’ll see some overlap in our suggestions as a result. Consult the specialists at your neighborhood retailer for the greatest advice on finding your ideal fit.

Wheel SizeAgeHeight
12″2 – 3 years36 – 39″
14″2 – 4 years37 – 44″
16″4 – 6 years41 – 48″
20″5 – 8 years45 – 54″

Why should a child have a bicycle?

Regular physical activity has been linked to higher levels of enjoyment and gives youngsters more chances to form social bonds. Riding a bike boosts your child’s learning development and emotional health, in addition to improving physical fitness.



Total score

Our Rating​

The feeling of your first pedal bike is unbeatable. This two-wheeler makes it easy for kids to fall in love with cycling and comes with removable training wheels.

The Animator makes learning to ride simple and enjoyable because to its 12-inch wheels, lightweight aluminium frame, and detachable training wheels. Short-reach brake levers provide young riders strong stopping power, and a shorter crank and narrower Q-factor make pedaling easier. It is also easier to get a great fit for children of varying heights thanks to its adjustable riding position and longer seatpost insertion depth. Since the training wheels are detachable, it’s simple to get going and switch to two wheels whenever you’re ready.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, google search and youtube.

Domane SLR 7 Review

A quick, high-performance ride is possible with the Domane SLR 7, an ultralight endurance road bike with premium components. You receive OCLV Carbon wheels, an entirely new wireless electronic Shimano Ultegra Di2 drivetrain for precise shifting, an OCLV Carbon frame with Front and Adjustable Rear IsoSpeed, and streamlined internal storage. It also offers a convenient storage space where you can store your essentials for the voyage.


ModelDomane SLR 7
TypeRoad Bike


If you want the lightest, fastest road bike we make and have great goals for road racing, the Emonda SLR 9 Disc eTap is ideal for you. A smooth, accurate SRAM RED eTap AXS wireless electronic drivetrain and the best carbon wheels from Trek are also essential.

A 700 gram or less, ultra-aerodynamic 800 Series OCLV Carbon frame, a 2×12 SRAM RED eTap AXS wireless electronic drivetrain, ultra-lightweight, quick, and stable Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37 OCLV Carbon wheels, an integrated aero bar/stem from Aeolus RSL OCLV Carbon, an SRAM RED AXS power meter, and strong hydraulic disc brakes.

Ultralight OCLV Carbon Frame

Trek uses their ‘800 series OCLV carbon lay-up’ for the frame.

Innovative technologies are used in Trek’s 800 series OCLV carbon to enhance the material’s physical and aerodynamic properties.
On the Trek Emonda SLR 9 eTap, they use this specially constructed composite. Trek asserts that it uses a very high-quality carbon-resin composite since aerodynamic tube forms are heavier and less rigid than standard, spherical tubes. This results in a weight reduction of little under 10% when compared to an OCLV 700 frame, with the SLR frame constructed from OCLV 800 weighing only 698 g. The material is lighter the higher the number after the OCLV.

Less material is needed to provide the same riding capabilities thanks to the new material’s remarkable 30 percent improvement in strength over prior OCLV Carbon while maintaining the same stiffness.

Groupset, Chainrings, Cassette

With 48/35 t chainrings and a 10-33 t cassette, Trek specifies an SRAM RED eTap AXS groupset. This bike offers the largest gear range in the group test, along with the Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7, providing enough reserves for less ambitious riders and really challenging climbs. The BMC Teammachine SLR01 ONE with its 10-28 t cassette has slightly smaller gear spacing, though. You can always monitor your performance and keep everything under control with the factory-installed dual-sided power meter. The Emonda is incredibly well-equipped for the challenging descents that frequently follow challenging climbs because of the strong and simple to modulate SRAM AXS HRD brakes with 160 mm discs at the front and rear.

Geometry and Comfort

A few adjustments have been made to Emonda to increase ride comfort. In terms of shape, it receives a Goldilocks makeover. There is a geometry called H1.5 that is between the constrained H2 endurance geometry and the aggressive H1 geometry. Even though it is plainly more aerodynamic, we could easily bike for hours in this position. The next comfort element for the Emonda is the adjustable top tube IsoSpeed, a design idea that was first used for the Domane spring classics race bike.

Hydraulic Disc Brakes

With the head tube flaps, specially created integrated brakes are connected to disc brakes.

Still available from Trek is the Emonda SLR 9 eTap with rim brakes. The majority of its rivals have upgraded to disc brakes for their most recent aero bikes, making it one of the few businesses left that still sells rim brakes.

While I had the bike, the hydraulic disc brakes required no maintenance and were easy to use. The lever feel is perfect for smoothly delivering the power in any situation, and there is enough of it.

One advantage of disc brakes is increased tyre clearance, which accommodates 28mm tyres. That is a wise decision if you want to increase comfort. Tyres up to 25mm in diameter can be used with Emonda SLR 9 eTap rim brakes.

Color Choices

For Men & Women: 

Emonda SLR 9 eTap is available in Six colors—Navy Carbon Smoke/Viper Red, Navy Carbon Smoke/Blue, Matte Onyx Carbon, Dark Prismatic/Trek Black, Amethyst, Radioactive Coral to Yellow Fade. Also variety of Eight sizes (47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62). It weighs roughly just (size 56) 6.75 kg / 14.89 lbs. Emonda SLR 9 eTap bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 275 pounds (125 kg).

Oh! What a feeling

Aerodynamic, lighter than 700g, and a dream to ride is Trek’s quickest climbing frame.
The most intelligent, smoothest wireless electronic shifting currently available is SRAM RED eTap AXS.
The lightest laminate Trek has ever produced is the 800 Series OCLV Carbon.
The Aeolus RSL 37 climbing wheels were created in collaboration with Emonda.
Make it yours: Project One allows for complete customization.


Check specifications here


Ultralight 800 Series OCLV Carbon, Ride Tuned performance tube optimization, tapered head tube, internal routing, DuoTrap S compatible, flat mount disc, 142x12mm thru axle
Fork Emonda SLR full carbon, tapered carbon steerer, internal brake routing, flat mount disc, 12x100mm thru axle
Frame fit H1.5 Race

Wheel front

Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 37mm rim depth, 100x12mm thru axle
Wheel rear Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 37mm rim depth, 142x12mm thru axle
Skewer front Bontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever
Hub rear

Bontrager Aeolus, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, Shimano 11/12 speed freehub, 142x12mm thru axle

Skewer rear Bontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever
Rim Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 37mm rim depth, 100x12mm thru axle
Tire Bontrager R3 Hard-Case Lite, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 700x25c
Rim strip Bontrager Aeolus XXX rim strip
Max tire size 28c


SRAM RED eTap AXS, 12 speed
Front derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS, braze-on
Rear derailleur: Size: 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 SRAM RED eTap AXS, Orbit chain management, 33T max cog
Rear derailleur: Size: 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 SRAM RED eTap AXS, 36T max cog
Crank: Size: 47 SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB spindle, 165mm length
Crank: Size: 50, 52 SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB, 170mm length
Crank: Size: 54, 56, 58 SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB, 172.5mm length
Crank: Size: 60, 62 SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB, 175mm length
Bottom bracket SRAM DUB, T47 threaded, internal bearing
Cassette SRAM XG-1290, 10-33, 12 speed
Chain SRAM RED D1, 12 speed
Max chainring size 1x: 50T, 2x: 53/39
Saddle: Size: 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 Bontrager Aeolus Pro, carbon rails, 145mm width
Saddle: Size: 47, 50, 52 Bontrager Aeolus P2 Pro, carbon rails, 155mm width
Seatpost: Size: 47, 50, 52, 54 Bontrager carbon seatmast cap, 20mm offset, short length
Seatpost: Size: 56, 58, 60, 62 Bontrager carbon seatmast cap, 20mm offset, tall length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 47, 50 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 38cm width, 80mm stem length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 52 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 40cm width, 90mm stem length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 54 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 42cm width, 90mm stem length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 56 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 42cm width, 100mm stem length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 58 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 42cm width, 110mm stem length
Integrated Bar Stem: Size: 60, 62 Bontrager Aeolus RSL Integrated bar/stem, OCLV Carbon, Di2 routing, 100mm reach, 124mm drop, 44cm width, 110mm stem length
Handlebar tape Bontrager Supertack Perf tape
Brake SRAM Red eTap AXS hydraulic disc, flat mount
Brake rotor SRAM CenterLine X, centerlock, round edge, 160mm
Rotor size Max brake rotor sizes: 160mm front & rear


SRAM eTap battery pack (with charger)


56 – 6.75 kg / 14.89 lbs
Weight limit This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 275 pounds (125 kg).

Pros & Cons


Excellent in handling, made for racing

Amazing disc brakes

Performance positive ride

Great wheels

Feels very lightweight


Some might found issue with tire clearance

Rattling SRAM shift levers


What is difference between Trek Domane SL and SLR?

The SL’s frame is significantly heavier than the SLR’s and is made of OCLV 500 composite. The frame of the SL weighs 1,142 grams, while the fork is 380 grams (SLR fork weight: 365 grams). But the only distinction between the SL and SLR is one of material (and weight).

What does trek Domane SLR 7 weigh?

Domane SLR 7 weighs around (size 56) – 8.40 kg / 18.52 lbs (with TLR sealant, no tubes).

This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 275 pounds (125 kg).

Which size do I get for Domane SLR 7?

The charts below illustrate our suggested sizes based on height, but other elements, such as arm and leg length, can affect how well something fits. You’ll see some overlap in our suggestions as a result. For example, not every rider who is 5’8″ will fit on the same size bike. Consult the specialists at your neighborhood retailer for the greatest advice on finding your ideal fit.

SizeRider HeightInseam

152 – 158 cm

4’11.8″ – 5’2.2″

71 – 75 cm

28.0″ – 29.5″


158 – 163 cm

5’2.2″ – 5’4.2″

74 – 77 cm

29.1″ – 30.3″


163 – 168 cm

5’4.2″ – 5’6.1″

76 – 79 cm

29.9″ – 31.1″


168 – 174 cm

5’6.1″ – 5’8.5″

78 – 82 cm

30.7″ – 32.3″


174 – 180 cm

5’8.5″ – 5’10.9″

81 – 85 cm

31.9″ – 33.5″


180 – 185 cm

5’10.9″ – 6’0.8″

84 – 87 cm

33.1″ – 34.3″


185 – 190 cm

6’0.8″ – 6’2.8″

86 – 90 cm

33.9″ – 35.4″


190 – 195 cm

6’2.8″ – 6’4.8″

89 – 92 cm

35.0″ – 36.2″

Is trek Domane SLR 7 a comfortable bike?

Yes, this is the essence of the Domane SLR 7 or even full Domane family. Thanks to the front and rear IsoSpeed and the possibility to mount tyres up to 38mm wide, it feels quite comfortable. Your neck and back are also relieved of stress by the relaxed geometry.

Where can I get the Domane SLR 7?

Trek Domane SLR 7 can be purchased direclty at Trek.



Total score

Our Rating​

Trek’s top-tier Domane carbon frame features wireless Shimano Di2 for its precise shifting. During long races and competitive group rides, you’re getting technology that offers a genuine advantage in comfort, dependability, and speed.

Trek’s Endurance road bike is called the Domane. It is designed for excruciatingly long and difficult rides. Trek’s IsoSpeed technology, which functions as suspension for your rigid frame road bike, is a feature of the 2022 Domane SLR 7.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Trek 1120 Review

A bikepacker’s fantasy, 1120. A touring bike with limitless off-road potential is made possible with a tough all-terrain frame, 29+ tyres, a built-in rack system, and mountain-ready components like a 1x drivetrain. This bike is made to travel to the most remote backcountry locations in the globe, but it’s also perfect for quick overnight bikepacking excursions and sub-24s.


TypeTouring Bike


You should consider it if you respect independence, value freedom, and want a vehicle for off-road travel and bikepacking in areas where other bikes can’t go. Trek 1120 is intended for the eccentric and nocturnal personalities among us. Trek 1120 is the vessel to use if filling in the final unexplored areas of the map is your thing.

A wide-range 1×12 Shimano drivetrain, a carbon fork, our custom rack system, included bag holsters that secure and protect 8L dry bags of your choice, Shimano 4-piston hydraulic disc brakes for superior stopping power, 29+ tyres, and a Bontrager Line dropper post that makes it simple to mount, dismount, and descend while loaded are all included in the technology you get.

Aluminum Alpha Platinum Frame

Trek 1120 frame is built of sturdy aluminum and carbon. Aluminum Alpha Platinum is used in its construction. The bike’s frame was created using Trek’s ground-breaking Stache platform.

The Trek 1120 frame is quite tough because it was designed to handle any terrain. It does weigh a little bit more than some Trek mountain bikes that are identical to it because of how tough the frame is.


The Trek 1120 offers every gear you should require for lengthy rides over challenging terrain. The simple and efficient 1x drivetrain has a wide range. For both mountain trails and dirt roads, the gearing performs admirably. This bike may be used for everything from flat terrain to off-road travel in harsh conditions.

There are 11 gears on the Trek 1120. The high-quality gearing mechanism on this bike allows it to be used for both on-trail and off-trail adventures.

Shimano is the manufacturer of all the shifters and gears used in the drivetrain. This mechanism makes shifting gears simple and ensures that the vehicle stays in the gear you intend it to be in.


Large 29+ wheels are on the Trek 1120. These wheels have excellent grip and roll quickly. The huge wheels assist in absorbing much of the shock from below on uneven ground. The wheels are over three inches wide, which provides excellent ground contact and keeps the bike stable under all conditions. With the rims on these wheels, tubeless tyres can be used to lower tyre pressure and avoid flats.

Trek 1120 wheels have excellent stability, durability, and traction. The 28-spoke wheels are reasonably sturdy.

Carbon Fork & Suspension

The Trek 1120 Adventure HCM Carbon Fork is the name of the suspension-corrected fork. It consists of a steerer tube constructed of bonded alloy with a carbon fork and crown. The fork has triple accessory bosses on either side, 110mm BOOST spacing, and rack mounts just above the dropout.

The major purpose of the Trek 1120 is to be used for bikepacking journeys, and this suspension system is very good in protecting the rider from the elements. The user won’t experience any jolts as the bike smoothly glides over obstacles like pebbles and sticks.

Newfangled Racks

These specialized aluminum racks offer a very sturdy surface for strapping various types of equipment. By providing creative ways to attach gear and drybags to the bike, they also do away with the necessity for a typical seat pack and handlebar roll. In general, they allow the bike to carry more goods than with a typical bikepacking arrangement.

Oh! What a feeling factors

This bike breaks down barriers and allows you to flee, and it has the necessary specifications so you can easily pack it up and go.

For the greatest packing balance, it is simple to secure 8L bags in the rear rack and additional gear up front using the sturdy harness system and integrated rack.

You can configure your ultimate excursion ride however you see fit thanks to so many mounting options.

It also makes a great mountain bike; simply remove the racks if you want to shred.

If your derailleur breaks in the middle of nowhere, you can easily switch to singlespeed thanks to the horizontal sliding dropout.


Check specifications here

Frame:Alpha Platinum Aluminum, tapered head tube, internal derailleur & dropper post routing, proprietary rack mounts, horizontal sliding dropouts, Boost148, 12mm thru axle
Fork:1120 HCM Carbon, rack and fender mounts, Boost110, 15mm thru axle
Handlebar:Bontrager Comp, alloy, 31.8mm, 5mm rise, 720mm width
Stem:Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree
Seatpost:Bontrager Line Dropper, 100mm travel, internal routing
Saddle:Bontrager Arvada, hollow chromoly rails, 138mm width
Shifters:Shimano SLX M7100, 12 speed
Read Derailleur:Shimano SLX M7100, long cage
Brakes:Shimano 4-piston hydraulic disc, MT4100 lever, MT420 caliper
Cassette:Shimano SLX M7100, 10-51, 12 speed
Chain:Shimano SLX M7100, 12 speed
Bottom Bracket:Shimano MT500, 92mm, PressFit
Wheels:SUNringle Duroc 50 SL, tubeless tape included, 28-hole, 50mm width, presta valve
Tyres:Bontrager XR2 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength sidewalls, aramid bead, 29×3.00”
Weight:M – 14.08 kg / 31.05 lbs


Farley compression bag, up to 915 cu in (15L)
Cargo rack1120 Adventure rack system with dry-bag holders

Hub front

Bontrager alloy, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle
Skewer frontBontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever
Hub rearBontrager alloy, sealed bearing, 6-bolt, Rapid Drive 108, Shimano MicroSpline freehub, Boost148, 12mm thru axle
Skewer rearBontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever

Pros & Cons


Ideal for BikePacking

Huge improvement over the previous model.

Lighter, faster, and had room for more gear.

Awesome bike for a long tour

Racks and holsters are ideal, can carry virtually all you need


Some may find heavy on climbs


What would be the advantage of Trek 1120 over a fat bike?

The Trek 1120’s robust design and integrated rack system make it the ideal choice for off-road touring. 29″ wheels are used “diameter, making them roll more quickly than a fat bike. With the 3 “Wide tyres still provide wide traction while maintaining the speed of a fat bike.

What does Trek 1120 weigh?

M – 14.08 kg / 31.05 lbs

This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 300 pounds (136 kg).

Which size do I get for Trek 1120?

The charts below illustrate our suggested sizes based on height, but other elements, such as arm and leg length, can affect how well something fits. You’ll see some overlap in our suggestions as a result. For example, not every rider who is 5’8″ will fit on the same size bike. Consult the specialists at your neighborhood retailer for the greatest advice on finding your ideal fit. 

SizeRider HeightInseam

153 – 167 cm

5’0″ – 5’6″

72 – 79 cm

28″ – 31″


161 – 175 cm

5’3″ – 5’9″

76 – 82 cm

30″ – 32″


174 – 188 cm

5’9″ – 6’2″

82 – 88 cm

32″ – 35″


186 – 196 cm

6’1″ – 6’5″

87 – 92 cm

34″ – 36″

Is Trek 1120 comes with the racks?

No, the racks are independent from the Trek 1120 and may be purchased from your local Trek retailer, however they were made expressly for this frameset and won’t fit the majority of other bike types.



Total score

Our Rating​

Many respectable mountain bike enthusiast websites and magazines, including a profile in Time magazine, have highlighted the Trek 1120 as one of the top-rated mountain bikes of this year. The component brand Bontrager is owned by the manufacturer Trek. This enables them to produce high-quality parts that are streamlined for the performance of their bikes, and the majority of their mountain bikes are pre-built with the possibility for adjustments.

The bike you get if you want to go on real adventures. Every component of the Trek 1120 is designed to improve bikepacking and is strong enough to tackle the toughest trails you may encounter. Trek 1120 is the ideal shred sled for epic exploration thanks to its included racks, trail-specific specifications, and 29+ wheels.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, Google search and youtube.

How to clean and perform best bicycle chain lube for longevity

Bicycle Chain Lube: The dirtiest portions of your bike are usually the chain and drivetrain, and this dirt is harmful for the bike’s durability and performance. Specifically:

increased chain wear rate
Chain link flexibility has been reduced.
increased abrasion on drivetrain cogs and derailleur assemblies.
decreased shifting efficiency.

You can maintain a clean-running bicycle with the help of this article.

Bike lubricant is sometimes seen as an unattractive need to keep moving parts moving. However, for enthusiasts, it goes beyond its practical use and transforms into the high-quality, bike-maintenance equivalent of a great wine.

Regardless of whether you choose a cheap alternative or the best one you can find, your ride will come to a grinding halt if the wrong lubrication isn’t applied where it needs to be. Here’s how to grease your bike’s other moving parts and utilize bicycle chain lube.

Table of Content

Below are Top Ten list of items we selected after careful study and in-depth assessment:

  1. How often you need to have bicycle chain lube
  2. How long will it take to clean and lubricate bicycle?
  3. Common things you need to Clean and Bicycle Chain Lube
  4. Most important components to clean and lubricate?
  5. What to look for in a lubricant?
  6. Common Bicycle Clean and Lubricate FAQs

How often you need to have bicycle chain lube?

Regular: Bicycle Chain lube

Regularly lift the back wheel of your bike off the ground while standing to the side of it to inspect the entire chain. Rotate the nearest pedal carefully with your free hand while checking each chain link for rust, dirt buildup, and/or tight links (links that do not bend easily as they pass through the rear derailleur). While you’re riding, listen for squeaks to make sure the lubricant is sufficient. Both of these conditions require at least a spot cleaning on your chain.

Occasional: Bicycle Chain lube

Use a chain-removal tool to completely remove your chain approximately once every few months (more frequently for mountain bikes). To get rid of accumulated grime that brushing can’t remove, give it a thorough scrubbing and totally submerge it in a chain solvent. Let the chain soak until the links and bushings are mostly free of debris. Using a fresh rag, dry the entire chain. Verify that all of the solvent has evaporated before re-lubricating and re-installing the chain.

How long will it take to Clean and Bicycle Chain Lube?

Plan on taking 30 minutes, taking into account the time it will take your chain to dry between rinsing the degreaser off and putting the lube on.

Common things you need to clean and lubricate your bicycle:

Degreasing agent: The majority of degreasers on the market will successfully remove the dirt and used oil from your chain.

Plastic squeeze bottle: Squeezing degreaser out of a plastic condiment bottle is simpler than pouring it directly from the container.

A few tidy cloths Old T-shirts cut into large squares work well.

To rinse off the degreaser and any lingering filth, you’ll need a hose or pail of water and a sponge.

Any decent chain lubricant.

These items can easily be purchased via Amazon or from your local Walmart

Most important components to clean and lubricate?

Bicycle Chain Lube

A bicycle chain would screech incessantly and won’t move smoothly without proper lubrication. It will eventually rust, and it might break mid-ride.

Use any reliable degreaser to soak a clean rag. As you backpedal to clean the rollers and side plates while your bike is on a work stand, grab the chain with the rag. Continue until the chain is entirely clean. Then, using a new rag and the same cleaning procedure, dry the chain. Apply a drop of bike chain lube to the top of each link and carefully backpedal for a few rotations to give the grease time to seep in. Remove any extra oil; if you don’t, it may draw additional dirt to your chain. Use a thin, water-resistant lubricant.


Watch for Chain Stretch

Chains lengthen as they deteriorate. Stretch is the term used to describe this, but nothing actually stretches. Chains become longer when the link pins and rollers wear down. This results in slop or free play, which occasionally causes gears to “skip.” Your chain rings and back cog teeth experience more wear and strain as a result.

Bicycle Clipless Padels

Engagement and disengagement will not be as smooth as they should be without lubrication, and it could be difficult to take the pedals off your bike.

Apply a drop of lubrication oil every few rides to your clipless pedal system’s visible spring if it has one to prevent rusting and to keep it functioning properly. When installing pedals, lubricate the threads so that when you want to remove them later, they will actually move.

All Bicycle Cables

Cables will not slide through housings as smoothly without lubrication, which will have a negative impact on shifting performance. They will also be more susceptible to rusting in moist environments.

To clean and lubricate the cables including brake cables. Put the rear derailleur in the largest/easiest gear. Click your shifter to upshift to the toughest gear or smallest cog without peddling. This will produce some good cable slack and, on some bikes, enable you to remove the housing from the slotted cable stops and thoroughly coat the cables. Put a few drops of lubricant on your fingertips, then move them along the cable’s length until a thin film forms on it. Clean the dirt from your wires, being particularly careful to clean the area where the cables pass through the cable guide under the bottom bracket.

Bicycle Derailleur Pulleys

The pulleys will not move freely without proper lubricating, and you will go crazy trying to figure out what’s making that unpleasant squeak.

Use a clean rag and degreaser to remove any accumulated filth from your derailleur pulleys. Next, drop a tiny amount of oil onto the pulley’s center bearings. Backpedal a few times, then wipe out any lubricant that missed the bearings with a fresh rag. Use with caution because it can get messy.

What to look for in a lubricant for your Bicycle Chain Lube?

Every chain lubricant has two essential qualities. 

Keep dirt from building up as much as possible since dirt hastens wear.
Be tough because chain wear is also accelerated by lubrication deficiency.
Durability is less of an issue because you should and can frequently lubricate your chain. Bicycle-specific oils are preferable to non-specific products in terms of chain lubrication. They are made to repel water and dirt and typically contain Teflon®.

Common FAQs for Cleaning and Bicycle Chain Lube


What can I use as a lubricant for my bike chain?

The suggested lubrication substitutes for your bike chain include Chainsaw oil, Silicone Spray, Clipper Oil, and 3-in-1 Oil. Overly thick oils must be avoided. As alternatives to lubricants, cooking oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and petroleum jelly should all be avoided.

is it OK to use WD-40 on bike chain?

WD-40 is a fantastic water-based chain lubricant for bicycles that not only lubricates the chain excellently but also prevents rust and corrosion. Additionally, it lessens the buildup of filth, which lessens the chain’s wear and strain.

How do you lubricate a bike chain at home?

Step-by-step guidelines
Clean off your chain.
If you don’t have a particular tool, degrease your chain with a brush.
To remove extra degreaser, wash your chain with soapy water and then rinse it.
Select your lubricant.
lubricate the chain.
You’re ready to ride once you remove any extra lubrication.

Can I use olive oil on bike chain?

You can apply olive oil on your bicycle chain because it’s preferable to have some oil than none at all. This, however, might only work temporarily. Olive oil won’t do anything for your bike’s chain if you’re planning something significant.

What is the alternative to chain lube?

Some lubricant choices will actually cause the lubricants to degrade. So, in addition to brand-name bike chain lubricant, the most popular choices are olive oil, home greases, and cooking oil. The important factor is that all of them are simple to access at home.

Is silicone spray good for bike chains?

Yes. However, using it on chains is not the best option. It quickly washes away, leaving your chain lubricated but unprotected. It would function in an emergency, but a light oil or product created especially for the application will function much better and last much longer.

How often should I oil my bike chain?

If you commute frequently by bicycle, you should lubricate your chain at least once each month, or every 150–200 kilometers (240-320 kms). This time frame can range from a few days to a month, depending on the circumstances in which you ride your bike and the kind of chain lubricant you employ.

Can I lube my chain without cleaning?

No, you don’t. Lubricating the chain without first cleaning it is not advised. The chain can be cleaned with diesel or gasoline, then rubbed with a dry cloth while you wait for the chain to dry before lubricating it.

Can I use engine oil as chain lube?

For a variety of reasons, engine oil cannot be utilized as chain lubricant. Even if it might work for a while, it will eventually lead to issues. The viscosity of engine oils comes in first. The thickness of the oil will cause the chains to accumulate more grime.

Should I wax my bike chain?

If the chain starts to sound dry or squeaky, it is clear that it needs to be re-waxed. If you ride in the rain, the chain needs to be re-waxed (or at the very least cleaned and dried) right away to avoid rust.

How do I know if my bike chain needs oil?

When determining whether a chain needs lubrication, sound (grinding, creaking, screeching, or shrieking) is more trustworthy than appearance, time, or distance.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, google search and youtube.

Numerous new goods in its three primary product categories contribute to the ongoing improvement of the Tour de France brand (performance, lifestyle and souvenirs). In particular, 2022 will see the introduction of a new “Maillot Jaune” brand and the entry of Santini as the official equipment provider for the Tour de France.

The Valegro helmet from Italian company KASK has also expanded the technical selection. In terms of lifestyle, the men’s fashion label Jules has a four-year sponsorship agreement with the Tour de France and this year is releasing a capsule collection in the race’s colors. Finally, the Tour de France has built its first Flagship store in the center of Copenhagen for the Grand Départ, where visitors and fans will be able to purchase more than 250 items.

The new “Maillot Jaune” brand for the Tour de France is introduced.

The Tour de France will debut a new brand this year, whose items for cyclists of all skill levels merge the pursuit of fashion and performance. The “Maillot Jaune” brand has a chic appearance that gently references the Tour de France. In particular, this new company wants to offer a wider selection all year long. With the creation of an inaugural, limited-edition collection that honors the distinctiveness of the Tour de France, equipment manufacturer Santini is supporting the debut of “Maillot Jaune.” New manufacturers will be encouraged to join this movement in the future.

Products under the “Maillot Jaune” brand are already offered on the official websites of the Tour de France and Santini, as well as in a number of Official Tour de France shops.

Santini and KASK have received new technical product licences.

This year, Santini released an event collection in addition to four different jerseys, with its cycling kits shining a spotlight on the key stages of the 2022 edition, including the Grand Départ in Copenhagen.
A new official helmet has been added to the Tour de France technical lineup. To represent each kilometer covered by the race in 2022, new product license holder KASK is recommending 3,328 limited copies of its Valegro helmet.
Each helmet will have a special number that corresponds to its owner’s own kilometer.

The seven parallel yellow lines that make up the helmet’s design commemorate the seven triumphs achieved by cyclists wearing KASK helmets during the Tour de France (Bradley Wiggins in 2012, Christopher Froome in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017, Geraint Thomas in 2018 and Egan Bernal in 2019).

Due to this, KASK and Santini have joined Continental, Elite, Oakley, and Selle Italia as license holders for Tour de France technical products.

Jules joins the Tour de France as a new partner through 2025

Jules, a men’s clothing retailer with 380 locations throughout France, will support the Tour de France for four years. It will exhibit a capsule collection in the colors of the Tour de France and centered on the concept of cycling in addition to dressing the organization teams for the cycling race.

It offers, for instance, cycling-themed t-shirts, sweaters, and even rain ponchos in the colors of the Tour de France.

Additionally, a pair of sneakers that were created in collaboration with the ethical shoe company N’Go come in the colors of the Tour de France.

Visit to get more updates

A Tour “Made in France”

By releasing a large number of new ‘Made in France’ products in 2022, A.S.O. and the Tour de France will continue to encourage French brands.

As a result, the Tour de France and French electric bicycle manufacturer Le Vélo Mad have extended their licencing relationship.

The Sport Plus and Urbain 2 are two new limited-edition models that will be available. Numerous additional partnerships have been strengthened, including those with, for instance, the new espadrille from the Biarritz-based Art of Soule brand and the Savoy-based knife company Opinel.

For more information:

Le Vélo Mad – Tour de France EPAB

Opinel – Tour de France knives

Devineau – Tour de France candles

Art of Soule – Tour de France Espadrilles

Opening of the first Flagship store for the Tour de France

The Tour de France has erected its first Flagship store in the center of Copenhagen in preparation for the Grand Départ 2022.

Fans of the Tour de France can purchase more than 250 different products from this store, which has more than 300 m2 of floor space and sells all of the apparel and accessories from the Tour de France line in addition to collections from product license holders Jules, Santini, and Oakley.

It is an original idea that emphasizes fan satisfaction and responsible distribution.

Partners of the Tour have organized a number of activities in addition to the store section. As an illustration, there is the Café du Tour by Senseo, a Tour stage on a home trainer by Shimano, a workshop for digital customization, as well as an exhibition of the Tour de France.

The shop is situated in Copenhagen at 17 Frederiksberggade.

wholesalers authorized to sell Tour de France-branded goods

Every nation has a local bike shop that sells a variety of the official Tour de France product line.

The number of official licensed distributors increased from 4 in 2021 to 12 in 2022 during the course of a single year.

The following websites or stores carry the 2022 Tour de France licensed technical goods from prestigious manufacturers like Oakley, Selle Italia, or Elite:

France : Alltricks Probikeshop

Belgique : Decathlon

Espagne : Deporvillage

Allemagne : Bike24

Pays-Bas : FuturumShop

Italie : All4Cycling

Danemark : Cykom 

Irlande : Cycletribe

Afrique du Sud : Cycle Lab

UK : Evans Cycles

USA : Competitive Cyclist

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free to reach us via our Contact Us here.

Our articles are developed after considerable research and studies online and also including seeking informational experience based tips from professional rides. Key sources of information are interviews, google search and youtube.